İran Agrofood Exhibition 26-29 May 2015

16 December 2015

After  Turkey IDMA exhibition , Teheran Agrofood Exhibition was waiting for us with all the synergies of the eastern. Mysilo General Manager Mr. Sefa Saatçioğlu  and Mysilo overseas market development manager Mr. Tarık Kalem attended to this exhibition and became together with dealers and business partners. Mysilo had a fast entry to the market with Maxporter Grain Handling Systems. Kazakhstani producers and most of the entrepreneurs prefered Maxporter. According to interest on Mysilo and the crowd of exhibition  , observed that sales will be better than last year. Mysilo have a say in the market with   the experience that obtained from huge projects and turnkey facilities in the previous years  and also proud of to bring its  products with agricultural producers.

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